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SAVIM(SNUAILAB Vision Inspection Machines)
is a gap and flush inspection machine
designed for all vehicle parts.

Especially, SAVIM has excellent accuracy to inspect transparent adjacent parts. It is a tunnel-type infrastructure equipped with 6 built-in 3D cameras. Its AI automatically processes noise from the 3D camera data, reconstructs transparent parts in 3D, and measures gap differences.


SAVIM (SNUAILAB Vision Inspection Machines)
is a gap and flush inspection machine designed for all vehicle parts.

Especially, SAVIM has excellent accuracy to inspect transparent adjacent parts. It is a tunnel-type infrastructure equipped with 6 built-in 3D cameras.
Its AI automatically processes noise from the 3D camera data, reconstructs transparent parts in 3D, and measures gap differences.

AutoCare is a vision AI platform that processes visual data to create vision models and packages group of models.

AutoCare is a vision AI platform that processes visual data to
create vision models and packages group of models.

Data to Solution in the
most efficient way

Support customizable
inference tools

Address domain problems in
training ML/DL models

* including low image quality, complex retraining workflow,

long modeltraining time, hard to model evaluation on real domain data

Waffle is a group of development tools that efficiently utilize various public and
custom backbone networks without separate data processing and supports
experiments with vision models to verify their performance.

Waffle is a group of development tools that efficiently utilize various public and custom backbone networks without separate data processing and supports experiments with vision models to verify their performance.

Support to comprehend
features of visual data

Model experiment

High compatibility with various open-source model frameworks such as YOLO

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Vision AI Solutions
Across All Industries
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Seoul  HQ
Seoul National University, 133 Building, Automation and Systems Research Institute, 208th Floor, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul Special City

Gwanggyo  R&D / Business
1202th Floor, Building A, Gwanggyo Techno Valley, Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, 145, Gwanggyo-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do

© 2024 SNUAILAB Co., LTD. All Rights Reserved. 
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Seoul  HQ  
Seoul National University, 133 Building, Automation and Systems Research Institute, 208th Floor, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul Special City

Gwanggyo  R&D / Business  
1202th Floor, Building A, Gwanggyo Techno Valley, Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, 145, Gwanggyo-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do

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